Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Full Service Insurance Recognition Day!

Back in May we had the wonderful pleasure of working with Dina Crigger of Full Service Insurance in Franklin, TN. Dina had only been at Full Service Insurance for a little while and came in to order an award for an employee who'd been there for quite some time. She came in with such energy and excitement about recognition that she went back and re-vamped their whole recognition program. Here are a few things she had to say...

"What a success!!  Everyone was so excited and surprised.  Full Service Insurance has so much longevity to have been recognized.  We could not have done it without the help of The Trophy House. If anyone comes in and wants to start or re-vamp their recognition program, I would love to work with you and those folks to get the ball rolling for them. I would be happy to help them.  They can call me at Full Service at 615-790-0990.  The importance of recognition is a must in any employment setting.  People put in long hours and need the recognition they deserve. It was a big day at Full Service! We could not have done it without you guys. You are fantastic!!!  Thanks to you and your whole team at Trophy House!
-Dina Crigger

A huge thanks to Dina and Full Service for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing experience. We really appreciate it and are honored to serve you in your award needs. Oh yeah...CONGRATULATIONS to all of the recipients!! You deserve it!
She even sent pictures!!!